InfinityDrive: Breaking Time Limits
in Driving World Models

Xi Guo1*, Chenjing Ding1*📧◆, Haoxuan Dou1, Xin Zhang2, Weixuan Tang1, Wei Wu1,2†
1SenseAuto Research;  2Tsinghua University; 
*Equal contributions;  â—†Group Leader;  †Corresponding Author;

1. Long Duration Scenario Generation

Videos in this section are limited to 150 seconds, 12 Hz, 288×512 resolution due to file size limit

2. Action Controllability

Videos in this section are limited to 6 seconds, 12 Hz, 288x512 resolution due to file size limit.
We use turn command to control the ego-vehicle.
Hover the mouse to see the action types for demonstration clarity.

3. High Resolution Generations

Videos in this section are 1024x576 resolution and accelerated 6x for better display.

4. Parallel Universes: Diverse Scenario Generations

Videos in this section are limited to 8 seconds, 12 Hz, 288x512 resolution due to file size limit
T2V result: 24 parallel driving world scenarios generated with the same prompt
I2V result #1: 24 parallel driving world scenarios generated with the same condition image
I2V result #2: 24 parallel driving world scenarios generated with the same condition image

5. Comparison with Vista

Videos in this section show comparison between Vista and InfinityDrive